J-Doll Lego Project

The LEGO J-DOLL is a unique 3D-printed piece designed as a blend of Japanese heritage and LEGO’s modular functionality. Inspired by traditional Japanese kokeshi dolls, this small-scale object was modeled in Rhino with the specific aim to be both aesthetically pleasing and compatible with LEGO systems, allowing it to snap into and become part of larger creations. Limited by a 6 cm height to fit affordable 3D printer specifications, the doll was carefully crafted with simple yet sophisticated curves that honor the essence of kokeshi design.

Having lived in Japan, I developed a deep appreciation for these wooden dolls, especially after receiving a red kokeshi as a thoughtful gift from one of my students. Its graceful, minimalist form left a lasting impression, inspiring me to reinterpret it through a LEGO piece, a concept I had never seen before. This project seamlessly merges personal nostalgia with technical precision, resulting in an original piece that bridges cultural art with modern modular play.

axonometric projection of J-Doll

Axonometric Projection of J-Doll

All 3D printed parts and their assembly.

axonometric projection of J-Doll

J-Doll mounted on a lego piece

Assembeled printed J-Doll

elevation of J-Doll lego

J-Doll detailed drawings

J-Doll elevation and plans.

Portfolio website

Photo of the printed Lego piece

Photo captured after finishing the piece.